Saturday, November 28, 2020

History of Election Fraud

Election and voter fraud have been going on for decades. Here is a history the mainstream media doesn't want you to know: 

David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley: Hidden History of Elections

Other Sources
Election Systems & Software (ES&S) is the largest elections vendor in the US. They sell a variety of products, including voting machines, election management systems, voter registration software, and electronic poll books. ES&S is based in Omaha NE, owned by the Nebraska-based McCarthy Group.

Chuck Hagel, who became president of the McCarthy Group in 1992, also became chairman of AIS that same year. After Bob Urosevich left the company in late 1993 (he'd go on to found I-Mark Systems in 1995), Hagel replaced him as CEO. When Hagel decided to run for a Nebraska Senate seat in 1995, he resigned from both the McCarthy Group and AIS. However, he failed to disclose his positions at AIS, or his continued investment in AIS through the McCarthy Group. This ethical violation would come to light after the suspicious results of the 1996 election, in which Hagel won two shocking upsets in elections counted by AIS machines.

Analysis of an Electronic Voting System
Johns Hopkins Information Security Institute Technical Report
TR-2003-19, July 23, 2003
Authors Tadayoshi Kohno Adam Stubblefield Aviel D. Rubin Dan S. Wallach

Dr. Peter Beter
Discusses the history of election fraud. 

Congressman Dennis Kucinich.

Scrap Electronic Voting Machines

LaCaze v. Johnson
310 So. 2d 86 (1974)
The undisputed facts, as developed at the trial in this case, show that one voting machine (No. 13067) malfunctioned during the election and failed to record votes cast for Mr. LaCaze. This machine registered 200 votes for Moore and only 9 for LaCaze. However, 353 voters voted in this machine. There are 144 missing votes. Either these votes were cast for LaCaze, or these voters chose not to vote in the congressional race, voting only on some remaining questions on the ballot. The election totals without these 144 votes show that Mr. Moore obtained 60,969 votes and Mr. LaCaze obtained 60,925 votes. Thus, if the missing 144 votes, or any substantial part thereof, can be attributed to LaCaze he will be the winner.

Hard-to-find 2020 election fraud stories and links